Keep the whole family entertained at the holiday table with this fun facts game.
by Courtney Watkins
What you'll need
- Paper (smaller pieces will do)
- Pens
- Bowl (or other container)
How to make it
1. Every family member and friend sitting around the Thanksgiving table thinks of a "little known" fact about themselves (a factoid) and writes it down on a slip of paper (for example: I was a cheerleader in high school, I can speak French).
Each person folds the paper in half and tosses it into a bowl. Then, mix up all of the pieces in the bowl.
2. Round 1: Listen!
Each person gets a turn to draw a slip of paper and read it aloud. Play goes clock-wise until all factoids are read aloud.
3. Round 2: Guess!
The factoids are read aloud once again-- this time, anyone at the table may make a guess as to who it belongs to.
When the factoid is correctly matched with a person, that person then shares the story behind the factoid!